We're in a hotel outside Pittsburgh. Cleaned up and packed up we jump in the car and grab a fast breakfast on the road. Our phone warns of heavy rain all day and the sky starts to shift to black ahead of us. Massive rain drops bombard the car and soon we can't see the road. Perfect time to dig into the spring rolls we make back in Brooklyn. Camped out in the parking lot we snack on some veggie spring rolls and watch the storm pass.

A local suggested we try Skyline chili and ice cream from Graeter's Ice Cream. As we near Cincinnati Skyline chili's start popping up everywhere. We order 4-ways, chili over spaghetti, with beans, onions and a mound of shredded cheese on top.
"You've never been here!? Well you have to try our Black Raspberry Chip, its out signature flavor"
The sun drops quickly and we start looking for a place to spend the night.
"Hey we're right by Louisville, lets explore there tomorrow."
We pull back onto the highway and head south west towards Kentucky.